The Average Christian today is not an “Abba-Father Christian.“ The Average Christian today does not share that intimate relationship with The Father because We have not matured past the baby stage and We start choking on the Meat. How can You tell that Someone is choking on the Meat? Because You tell these Glorious things and their nonchalant, it’s like “that’s waaaaaaay beyond My Spiritual goal, that’s way beyond My Spiritual reality, I’m just a poor old Sinner saved by Grace.” You WERE a Sinner, You HAVE BEEN saved by Grace, And You may feel toe-up from the flo-up, BUT RIGHT NOW sitting here whether You enjoy the Benefit or Employ the Benefit YOU ARE A CHILD OF THE MOST HIGH GOD and You have the Glorious privilege of beginning Your relationship in prayer with Him by acknowledging Your relationship to Him
“Our Father which art in Heaven”