Thursday, October 24, 2024

ePIC: "Rivers of Living Water"

 Rivers of Living Water

John 7:37-38 KJV
In the last day, that great day of the feast, Jesus stood and cried, saying, If any man thirst, let him come unto me, and drink. [38] He that believeth on me, as the scripture hath said, out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water.





Monday, October 21, 2024

Sermons 1996


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Atomispheric Revival



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One Way

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The Fellow Soldier


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Falling Away-
Beware Strange Fire



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Filled With
and Controlled By 




SMA: "10202024 BONUS"

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10202024 BONUS





Friday, October 18, 2024

Sermons 1995


    The Word of God is NOT ONLY Quick and Powerful sharper than any two-edged sword, IT IS ALSO Seed to the Sower and Bread to the Eater, IT IS Milk to the Babe in Christ and Meat to the Mature in Christ, The Same Yesterday Today and Forever!!! The Scriptures were completed nearly 2,000 years ago but are just as Relevant for Today as well as Tomorrow, so IF you're Hungry and Thirsty I encourage You take a challenge of reflection in hearing some of these Sermons preached back in 1995 that are just as Powerful IN Anointing and Authority for 2024!!! Of course, it’s always depending on IF time permitting, and that’s what is great about these “recorded” Services, You would have ONLY gotten That Word IF You were present in that Service! I don’t know about You, but in hearing some of these Messages and reflecting on Yester-years, I weep for whatever happened to this Person or that Person, They USE TO BE on Fire for Jesus, beelzebub flies COULDN’T land on a Hot Stove, The Zeal they once had was so glowing hot……...but other things entering in, the cares of this Life, O My….One thing You don’t want to be IN The Last-Days, is Lukewarm, cold and indifferent, when iniquity is abounding on all sides, darkness covering The Earth and gross darkness The People! This is the Day to be sober, vigilant, Stir Yourself Up, fan into flame that 1st love, shake thyself from the dust and arise, shine for thy light is come and The Glory of The Lord is risen upon Thee... AND shall be seen upon thee!!!!

-Doulos D



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A Product of Grace




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Keep On Keeping On


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Make God Your Source

-Settle It


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Speak Lord Thy Servant Heareth


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